刘凯 中共党员
最后学位: 博士
Email :laukai520@163.com
邮 编:211815
2004.09-2008.06 中国石油大学(华东) 数学与应用数学 理学学士
2008.09-2011.06 中国石油大学(华东) 应用数学 理学硕士
2011.09-2015.06 南京大学 计算数学 理学博士
2014.02-2015.02 剑桥大学 计算数学 联合培养
2015.06-2019.05 南京财经大学应用全讯600cc大白菜官网 讲师
2019.06-2021.08 南京财经大学应用全讯600cc大白菜官网 副教授
2021.09—至今 2024白菜网址官网大全全讯600cc大白菜官网 副教授
1国家自然科学基金青年项目:几类微分方程的保结构算法研究, 项目编号:11701271, 2018.01-2020.12.
2 江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目: 二阶振荡微分方程保结构算法研究,项目编号:16KJB110010, 2016.01-2018.12
1.Kai Liu, Ting Fu and Wei Shi, Stability Analysis for Explicit ERKN Methods Solving General Second-Order Oscillatory Systems, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 44, 4143-4154, 2021.
2.KaiLiu, TingFu, WeiShi, A dissipation-preserving scheme for damped oscillatory Hamiltonian systems based on splitting,Appli. Numer. Math., 170 (2021) 242–254.
3.Kai Liu, Jie Yang, Wei Shi, A new SOR-type iteration method for solving linearsystems. Appli.Math. Lett., 102(2020), 106104.
Wei Shi, Xinyuan Wu, Kai Liu*, Efficient implementation of the ARKN and ERKN integrators formulti-frequency oscillatory systems with multiple time scales. Appl. Numer. Math., 151(2020),13-26.
4.Kai Liu, Jie Yang, Changying Liu, A new iterative refinement for ill-conditioned linear systemsbased on discrete gradient. Jpn. J. Ind. Appl. Math., 37(2020), 803-818.
5.Kai Liu, Wei Shi, The Cauchy problem for linear inhomogeneous wave equations with variablecoefficients. Appli. Math. Lett., 86(2018), 215-221.
6.Wei Shi, Kai Liu*, A new analytical formula for the wave equations with variable coefficients.Appli. Math. Lett., 84(2018), 137-142.
Wei Shi, Kai Liu*, Periodic solutions to nonlinear wave equations with x-dependent coefficientsat resonance. Rocky Mount. J. Math., 48(2018), 1-16.
7.Kai Liu, Wei Shi, High-order skew-symmetric differentiation matrix on symmetric grid. J.Comput. Appli. Math., 343(2018), 206-216.
8.Kai Liu, Xinyuan Wu, Wei Shi, Extended phase properties and stability analysis of RKN-typeintegrators for solving general oscillatory second-order initial valueproblems. Numer. Algo., 77(2018), 37-56.